the closing year

As the first copies of our 10 Years in the Making book arrived in the KDD warehouse yesterday, I thought (not for the first time) about what a very weird year it has been.

We published four brand new titles . . .

The 10 Years in the Making book will be available in the KDD shop soon!
People MAKE Glasgow
Colour Moves
Warm Hands

. . .and created 23 new patterns – the majority of which were garments.

Kate in Treit

Tom held his first gallery exhibition . . .

Light by the Sea

. . . which despite being curtailed by lockdown, was a great success (thank you, Tighnabruaich Gallery and everyone who came to see and hear Tom’s work!)

me, Gabriella Bennet, and an avian sternum at Write by the Sea

I read my poetry in public for the first time (eek!).


and, due to socially-distanced photoshoot requirements, spent much more time modelling my own design work than I have done in recent years. I don’t think I’ll ever feel completely comfortable in front of the camera, but at least I can get on with it after more than a decade’s practice!


Like all businesses, this year was incredibly unpredictable, and posed repeated challenges.

our new Backen’ shade of Milarrochy Tweed

The manufacture, supply and distribution of some of the things that we produce has been (and to an extent remains) quite tricky.


These things are manageable for us though, and given what so many small businesses are facing, we feel very lucky in both the nature of what we do and the way the company is structured. That said, I confess to feeling increased frustration at the administrative burdens of various things this year – most notably the pointless act of self-sabotage known as Brexit. And whether as individuals or businesses, I imagine most of us will be familiar with this year’s prevailing sense of not knowing quite what’s coming next, yet having to find the will and sense of purpose to keep moving on, regardless.

This year has held both surprises and disappointments for us as a company – we’ve discovered some new things that really work, and learned how other plans might not turn out as expected. Speaking personally, I’ve felt blessed to have discovered a real renewed sense of creativity and purpose in my design work – and am already looking forward to pursuing a host of new knitterly ideas in 2021.


Throughout 2020, the KDD team has often had reason to feel enormous gratitude for all the readers and knitters out there, who like what we are doing and support our endeavours. In this most unlikely of years you have consolidated our sense of collective creative purpose, and helped us thrive in more ways than one. Thank you so much.

Paper Dolls

I and the rest of the team send you a virtual hug, with much love and many best wishes for a safe and peaceful festive season. Here’s to next year!

Kate x